UPC preliminary injunction update: 10x Genomics v Curio Bioscience

16 July 2024
An order from the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Düsseldorf Local Division was published on 30 April 2024, granting 10x Genomics…
Daisy Bethell
Daisy Bethell
Technical Assistant
UPC preliminary injunction update: 10x Genomics v Curio Bioscience

First permanent injunction at the UPC: Franz Kaldewei v Bette

11 July 2024
The Local Division of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) in Düsseldorf has ordered the first permanent injunction at the UPC…
Alice Stuart-Grumbar
Alice Stuart-Grumbar
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
First permanent injunction at the UPC: Franz Kaldewei v Bette

UPC Hamburg Local Division: reasons for decision in Ballino v UEFA

09 July 2024
Following on from our article produced in June 2024, "Video assistant referee (VAR) at UEFA EURO 2024" (see related articles…
Jonathan Jackson
Jonathan Jackson
Partner, Patent Attorney
UPC Hamburg Local Division: reasons for decision in Ballino v UEFA

Third section of UPC Central Division opening its doors in Milan on 27 June 2024

26 June 2024
The UPC has announced today that the third section of the Unified Patent Court Central Division will officially open its…
Sophie Slater
Sophie Slater
Partner, Patent Attorney
Third section of UPC Central Division opening its doors in Milan on 27 June 2024

Parallel litigation at the UPC: Bio-Techne keeps pressure on Molecular Instruments

26 June 2024
On the same day as a UK High Court (Patents Court) decision was handed down, finding its asserted patents invalid…
Nathaniel Wand
Nathaniel Wand
Associate, Patent Attorney
Parallel litigation at the UPC: Bio-Techne keeps pressure on Molecular Instruments

One for all and all for one? Validity of an opt-out of the UPC

24 June 2024
The Court of Appeal of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) has issued a decision on the validity of an opt-out.…
Simon Schofield
Simon Schofield
Associate, Patent Attorney
One for all and all for one? Validity of an opt-out of the UPC

Video assistant referee (VAR) at UEFA EURO 2024

19 June 2024
The eyes of the footballing world are on Germany over the next month or so for the UEFA European Championship…
Jonathan Jackson
Jonathan Jackson
Partner, Patent Attorney
Video assistant referee (VAR) at UEFA EURO 2024

UPC revocation v EPO opposition: differences, similarities and revocation strategies

06 June 2024
It has now been a year since the UPC opened its doors and there have already been 185 revocation actions…
Sophie Slater
Sophie Slater
Partner, Patent Attorney
Claire Webster
Claire Webster
Technical Assistant
UPC revocation v EPO opposition: differences, similarities and revocation strategies

The unitary patent and opt-out statistics: one year in

06 June 2024
We have previously explored uptake of both the unitary patent (UP) and the opt-out in articles published three months and…
David Al-Khalili
David Al-Khalili
Senior Associate, Patent Attorney
The unitary patent and opt-out statistics: one year in

First anniversary of the Unified Patent Court: benefits, drawbacks, and the road ahead

06 June 2024
After more than 40 years in the making, the one-year anniversary of the UPC is a milestone to be celebrated.…
Rachel Bateman
Rachel Bateman
Partner, Patent Attorney
First anniversary of the Unified Patent Court: benefits, drawbacks, and the road ahead

Proposed EU standard essential patents regulation: using the UPC to shape industrial policy in the EU?

06 June 2024
On 28 February 2024, the European Parliament voted to approve the proposed regulation on standard essential patents (the SEP regulation).…
Jonathan DeVile
Jonathan DeVile
Partner, Patent Attorney
Proposed EU standard essential patents regulation: using the UPC to shape industrial policy in the EU?

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