Das Marken-Team von D Young & Co kann sich einer hervorragenden Erfolgsbilanz rühmen und setzt höchste Standards beim Schutz und bei der Durchsetzung von Marken.

Wir werden Jahr für Jahr der Spitzengruppe unseres Berufsstands zugeordnet – sowohl im Hinblick auf Marken-Services im Vereinigten Königreich als auch in allen wichtigen juristischen Verzeichnissen. Wir sind extrem stolz darauf, im Jahr 2017 von Managing IP (MIP) die Auszeichnung „UK Trade Mark Firm of the Year“ erhalten zu haben.

Unser Mandantenkreis reicht von innovativen Einzelunternehmern bis hin zu weltweiten Markenführern in einem breiten Spektrum von Branchen. Zu unseren besonderen Kompetenzbereichen gehören Mode, Sport, Unterhaltung, Ingenieur-/Bauwesen, Medien, schnelldrehende Konsumgüter, Lebensmittel & Getränke, Biowissenschaften, Pharmazeutik, Kosmetika, Finanzdienstleistungen und Luxusgüter.

Unsere Markenjuristen und -anwälte sind sowohl in ihrem Berufsfeld als auch bei der Strategieentwicklung extrem aktiv. Wenn unsere Juristen nicht gerade Mandanten besuchen, sind sie häufig als Sprecher auf europäischen und internationalen Konferenzen anzutreffen. Sie geben Präsentationen zu Entwicklungen des Rechts und der juristischen Praxis auf Veranstaltungen, die u. a. organisiert werden von der Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group (PTMG), dem Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (ITMA), der Internationalen Markenvereinigung (INTA), MARQUES und der Europäischen Markenvereinigung (ECTA).

Unser Team bearbeitet eine breite Palette von streitigen und außerstreitigen Markenangelegenheiten, so z. B.:

  • Durchführung von Marken-Clearance-Recherchen
  • Globale Markenanmeldungen und Markenstrategien
  • Überprüfung von Marken-Portfolios
  • Erwirkung weltweiter Marken-Eintragungen
  • Verfolgung von Markenwiderspruchsverfahren, Nichtigkeits- und Löschungsklagen
  • Durchführung von Markenbeschwerden
  • Durchsetzung und Verteidigung von Markenrechten (eingetragener und nicht eingetragener Art)
  • Beratung zu Markenverletzungen
  • Due Diligence
  • Parallelimporte und Fälle von Umverpackung
  • Fälschungsbekämpfung
  • Kennzeichenmissbrauch und vergleichende Werbung
  • Markenrecht streitverfahren vor britischen und EU-Gerichten
  • Schieds- & Mediationsverfahren
  • Koordinierung und Leitung multinationaler Streitfälle weltweit
TM-Newsletter Neueste Ausgabe
TM-Newsletter Neueste Ausgabe
Brand owners come not only for matters of domestic consequence, but also for its dexterous coordination of multi-jurisdictional disputes in Europe.
World Trademark Review 1000
Few firms are as well equipped as this one to handle complex and multifaceted brand-related issues.
World Trademark Review 1000
The team provides excellent legal advice at reasonable rates. They consistently take a business-friendly position, not always relying on technicalities, but focusing on what the client needs.
Legal 500
D Young & Co LLP advises a range of clients, including rock and pop groups, media organisations, and the fashion and food and beverage industries.
Legal 500
D Young & Co is highly recommended for trade mark protection and portfolio management work.
IP Stars (Managing IP)
Hotshot trademark attorneys.
World Trademark Review 1000
D Young & Co provides a very responsive service and clear, accurate legal advice on trade mark and design right issues.
Legal 500
The group's deep bench of experienced attorneys has the necessary capacity to conduct such landmark matters.
World Trademark Review 1000
Leading trade mark prosecution service.
A cut above the rest and do not disappoint.
World Trademark Review 1000
It enjoys a thriving trade marks practice.
The level of service is simply excellent.
World Trademark Review 1000
The best in Europe.
World Trademark Review 1000
The trailblazing move [to recruit solicitors] has equipped the firm to provide persuasive one-stop service to a cadre of prestigious household name.
World Trademark Review 1000
The results are excellent:  D Young & Co delivers top-quality legal advice at a reasonable cost, and is very responsive to rights holders' needs.
World Trademark Review 1000
It is a very reliable resource, with great strength in depth on both prosecution and litigation, and the level of its service is simply excellent.
World Trademark Review 1000
The litigation and prosecution practices dovetail neatly, giving clients the benefit of joined-up thinking on every question.
World Trademark Review 1000
Whatever way you measure it, it’s clear that D Young & Co ranks among the UK trademark elite. It has eight practitioners featured in the WTR 1000 this year; a glittering roster of blue-chip clients; and all the legal and technical know-how needed for effective one-stop shopping.
World Trademark Review 1000
D Young & Co’s killer USP is its seamless integration of trademark attorney and legal teams; clients can one-stop shop here with supreme confidence.
World Trademark Review 1000
D Young & Co’s Munich office – led by Jana Bogatz – is highlighted by German practitioners as one of the most successful examples of a UK outfit setting up shop on the continent.
World Trademark Review 1000
The team recorded a number of wins in 2016 for well-known brands in proceedings before the UK IPO and EUIPO.
IP Stars (Managing IP)
Reliably outstanding performance.
World Trademark Review 1000
Home to trademark attorneys and solicitors who work together like clockwork, D Young & Co is one of the most versatile practices in the top tier of the UK trademark market.
World Trademark Review 1000
Top tier for trade mark prosecution.
IP Stars (Managing IP)
We were happy to work with the D Young & Co LLP team on various trade mark cases. We appreciated their transparency and the team effort put into diligently and rapidly solving conflicts, as well as their out-of-the-box and forward-thinking approach.
Legal 500
Its large team of trademark attorneys lives and breathes intellectual property and performs with precision for the likes of PepsiCo.
World Trademark Review 1000
The firm’s metamorphosis into a comprehensive litigation and prosecution service provider has been a widely followed story on the UK trademark scene.
World Trademark Review 1000
Bold advocacy in support of our company's interests, with a finely honed sense of what is achievable in the real world.
World Trademark Review 1000
2019 UK Trademark Attorney Firm of the Year - Global IP Awards.
IP Stars (Managing IP)

Unser Team


Jana Bogatz
Jana Bogatz
Partner, Rechtsanwältin
View Jana Bogatz's profile
Richard Burton
Richard Burton
Partner, Trade Mark Attorney
View Richard Burton's profile
Matthew Dick
Matthew Dick
Partner, Solicitor
View Matthew Dick's profile
Gabriele Engels
Gabriele Engels
Partner, Rechtsanwältin
View Gabriele Engels's profile
Tamsin Holman
Tamsin Holman
Partner, Solicitor
View Tamsin Holman's profile
Jackie Johnson
Jackie Johnson
Partner, Trade Mark Attorney
View Jackie Johnson's profile
Gemma Kirkland
Gemma Kirkland
Partner, Trade Mark Attorney
View Gemma Kirkland's profile
Anna Reid
Anna Reid
Partner, Solicitor
View Anna Reid's profile
Yvonne Stone
Yvonne Stone
Partner, Rechtsanwältin
View Yvonne Stone's profile

Senior Associates

Sarah Brooks
Sarah Brooks
Senior Associate, Trade Mark Attorney
View Sarah Brooks's profile
Peter Byrd
Peter Byrd
Senior Associate, Solicitor
View Peter Byrd's profile
Kate Cheney
Kate Cheney
Senior Associate, Trade Mark Attorney
View Kate Cheney's profile
Jennifer Heath
Jennifer Heath
Senior Associate, Trade Mark Attorney
View Jennifer Heath's profile
Olivia Oxton
Olivia Oxton
Senior Associate, Solicitor
View Olivia Oxton's profile


Phil Leonard
Phil Leonard
Associate, Solicitor
View Phil Leonard's profile
Abigail Macklin
Abigail Macklin
Associate, Trade Mark Attorney
View Abigail Macklin's profile
Rachel Pellatt
Rachel Pellatt
Associate, Trade Mark Attorney
View Rachel Pellatt's profile
Julian Graf Wrangel
Julian Graf Wrangel
Associate, Rechtsanwalt
View Julian Graf Wrangel's profile

Attorneys, Rechtsanwälte & Solicitors

Jacqueline Feigl
Jacqueline Feigl
View Jacqueline Feigl's profile
Agnieszka Stephenson
Agnieszka Stephenson
View Agnieszka Stephenson's profile
Julian Graf Wrangel
Julian Graf Wrangel
Associate, Rechtsanwalt
View Julian Graf Wrangel's profile


Bonnie Brooks
Bonnie Brooks
Trade Mark Assistant
View Bonnie Brooks's profile
Sophia Karim
Sophia Karim
Legal Assistant
View Sophia Karim's profile


Ian Starr
Ian Starr
Consultant, Solicitor
View Ian Starr's profile

IP Support

Louise Bush
Louise Bush
Trade Mark Searcher
View Louise Bush's profile
Victoria Chandler
Victoria Chandler
Head of IP Support Services
View Victoria Chandler's profile
Mel Gregg
Mel Gregg
Trade Mark and Design Specialist
View Mel Gregg's profile
Gemma Hennessey-Lowe
Gemma Hennessey-Lowe
Trade Mark and Design Specialist
View Gemma Hennessey-Lowe's profile
Beth Kent
Beth Kent
Trade Mark and Design Specialist
View Beth Kent's profile
Stefanie Koroll
Stefanie Koroll
Trade Mark and Design Specialist
View Stefanie Koroll's profile
Nadia Matos-Moss
Nadia Matos-Moss
Trade Mark and Design Administrator
View Nadia Matos-Moss's profile