IP Ability: CIPA Congress 2020
D Young & Co Technical Assistant Micheal Reynolds, member of the IP Inclusive IP Ability Committee, is a panelist on the IP Ability session, taking place during CIPA's virtual conference.
IP Ability is a new IP Inclusive community that was launched at the end of 2019.
Michael will be speaking with other representatives from the IP Ability community to present an introduction to what IP Ability is, the different activities it carries out, how you can get involved and why making the profession accessible is important.
This virtual session will take place on Thursday 17 September during the 4-day CIPA Congress (14-17 September 2020).
CIPA Congress 2020
For further information about the 2020 CIPA Congress please visit the CIPA website.
Read moreIP Ability
IP Ability is the IP Inclusive community for disabled people, carers and their allies working within the IP professions. It aims to provide a supportive and informative network focusing on issues relating to disability, neurodiversity and health conditions of all kinds, be they mental or physical, visible or invisible, permanent or temporary, sudden onset or progressive.
For more information please follow the link below or contact our D Young & Co representative Michael Reynolds.
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